Sunday, July 14, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Snorkeling around Klein Bonaire, which is a small islet off Bonaire.  Klein Bonaire is turtle breeding area for the Green turtle, Hawksbill turtle, and Loggerhead turtle.  See for more information about the sea turtles of Bonaire.

Snorkeling with TURTLES!

Some of the coral around Bonaire.

Catamaran trip to snorkel around Klein Bonaire.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More to See...!

 Our first night there, Mr. Rummer and the students couldn't wait. They had to get in the water and see what was there!
 Snorkeling with the underwater dive lights on the first night.
Eli and Peter taking a break from snorkeling.
Our group at the slave huts on the southern part of the island. This is where the slaves slept at night after working the salt mines all day (8-10 men in each one!).
 Eli, Christian, and Logan looking at the ocean.
Petroglyphs from about 300 BC.
Students near the petroglyphs.

Eastern side of the island - much rougher water than the west side (where we stayed).
Ava, Logan, Christian, and Peter waiting for a big wave to hit. Only moments later, most of them were soaked!
One of the flamingo sanctuaries - Gotomeer.
Birdwatching at Gotomeer.
Birdwatching  - I think Peter had an earlier posting of all the birds we saw.
One of the many big aloe plants on the island
The main street through downtown Kralendjik.
More downtown.
More downtown.
Our students and the Jr. Rangers at our pizza party.
Pizza party with the Jr. Rangers.

Climbing on rocks at Salinas - another flamingo sanctuary.
 Any time there were rocks, there was climbing!
 Grant found a salamander. :)
Rocky beach at Boca Slagbaai.
Flamingos in front of Boca Slagbaai.
The mountain in the distance is part of Washington Slagbaai National Park (earlier pictures).
Interesting sign - good example of how translations don't always work out!

The View in Front of Our Condos!

 All of these pics are of the beautiful views right in front of our condos.
 One of many of the local inhabitants!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dispatch Travel Section

Be sure to keep an eye out for our underwater scuba picture in the travel section of the Dispatch. It was submitted to them yesterday, so I'm hoping we'll be in there before the end of the summer. They make no promises! If you do see it, please keep a copy so that we are sure to have one we can hang up at school. Thanks!

Monday, June 24, 2013

ID Test Scores

Congrats to Eli who had the highest score on the Fish ID Test. Eli correctly identified 75 of the 78 fish. Grant was right behind him correctly identifying 74. The goal for the week was to be able to ID at least 50 fish. Many of the students scored much higher than 50!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lots More Pictures of Bonaire...

 Hard to believe we made it look crowded in the ocean!
 Mr. Rummer giving directions under water.

 Students should be able to identify most, if not all, of the fish in these pictures!
 Getting ready to head out to do research.

 Trying to line everyone up for the Dispatch picture. It was a challenge!
 A little sea animal that lives in the coral.

 Miss Allison and Grant (I think!).

 Research taking place!

 Our get together at the Windsock dive site with the Jr. Rangers and the turtle conservation lady.
 Me saying all is "A-okay!"
 This and the next one should be turned sideways - divers at the bottom and bubbles going up. :)

 Students: keep identifying those fish for your parents. Show them what you learned!

 Taking giant strides at Oil Slick Leap!

 Our fearless leader gearing up.

You rock, Miss Allison!