Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lots More Pictures of Bonaire...

 Hard to believe we made it look crowded in the ocean!
 Mr. Rummer giving directions under water.

 Students should be able to identify most, if not all, of the fish in these pictures!
 Getting ready to head out to do research.

 Trying to line everyone up for the Dispatch picture. It was a challenge!
 A little sea animal that lives in the coral.

 Miss Allison and Grant (I think!).

 Research taking place!

 Our get together at the Windsock dive site with the Jr. Rangers and the turtle conservation lady.
 Me saying all is "A-okay!"
 This and the next one should be turned sideways - divers at the bottom and bubbles going up. :)

 Students: keep identifying those fish for your parents. Show them what you learned!

 Taking giant strides at Oil Slick Leap!

 Our fearless leader gearing up.

You rock, Miss Allison!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoo they can leap with that heavy equipment on! These fish pics and underwater views are amazing! I don't get the dispatch but hope we made the news! worthy story!
