Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Day at the Salt Mines & Lac Bay

 Pink water on the left (the evaporation pools that have pink-colored halophiles). This is where the salt mines are. The Cargill Company has what is the only real industry on the island -- salt.
 After the salt mines, we stopped at Lac Bay, which had an actual sandy beach!
 Ava, the sand-mermaid...
 The creators of the sand-mermaid...
 Maddy and Sadie enjoying the beach.
We're loving Bonaire!


  1. Hello to everyone. I love reading what is going on and seeing all of the pictures. It is cool and rainy here so enjoy the sun and surf. IT is amazing to me all that you are seeing and doing.WOW!
    Mr. Baeslack

  2. So far we have learned a lot! Like the different fish and how big they are. During night dives Tarpon swim next to us and it is scary at first but then we got used to it. Tarpon can get up to 3-4 feet and have a torpedo shape like body.

  3. Tarpon are a much sought after game fish! Have you seen any barracuda yet?
